23 January 2007

Andy Griffith vs. the (so called) Patriot Act

Great clip from the Andy Griffith show. Back when TV shows had morals and stuck to the idea of America. It if funny how applicable this is today. Oh one day I'll be proud of my government again. For now sit back and remember the good ol'days.

16 January 2007

Offensive ad of the day

Mike Strutter has his own show on MTV, he is an English guy that is fairly funny. It isn't anything new but since he has gone mainstream the writers have stepped it up a bit. The clip I found today will mostl likely offend everyone I know, but shit, it is funny.

Enjoy it while wearing a pair of Nike trainers eating with disposable chopsticks.

12 January 2007

Retail Christians

Any one that is around me much knows my opinion of religion, and more so of the Christian-right. I was reading Wired.com recently and saw that they wrote an article on funny things found on Froogle.com. I started browsing Christian retail stores online (as you do when you are me), and came across some really funny stuff for purchase. You would think a site that has the word Gospel in their title would actually monitor the shit they sell. Apparently not! I found some rather interesting music in the CD section, http://www.cdgospel.net/rel/v2_viewupc.php?storenr=247&upc=74531611022 now I am not a fan of this black metal band but most people in IT know someone that listens to them. I'm sure it would be more than a full time job to listen to every CD that one sells but come on. Look at the track list! "Bleed for the Devil"?? Not very Christian if you ask me (read: fucking hypocrites).

I carried on reading with the assumption that maybe the people that run this website couldn't read. I then made another assumption and decided, they were also def although I'm not sure why def people would sell music. This brought me over to the video section of their site. It then became a game. What words could I put into the search :) Just to see where I was starting off I entered "Jenna", everyone that owns a computer knows her. I mean she 'is' mainstream porn. Well I got more than I bargained for. I also searched words like 'midget' and 'gay'. What I didn't expect was books for gay parents. Oh the irony.

That's all for now folks. More humorous intertube crap later.